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Nature Study: Why Skunks Are Good For Gardens!

As parents, we often teach our children to avoid certain creatures in the garden, like skunks, due to their pungent odor and reputation for mischief. However, what if I told you that these striped critters are actually unsung heroes in the garden ecosystem?  In this blog, we'll explore why skunks are beneficial for your garden and why they deserve our appreciation. Skunks as Gardeners 1. Natural Pest Control Skunks have a voracious appetite for many garden pests that can wreak havoc on your plants. They are especially fond of insects like beetles, grubs, caterpillars, and even small rodents like mice and voles. By preying on these pests, skunks help keep their populations in check, reducing the need for harmful chemical pesticides. 2. Soil Aeration Believe it or not, skunks are great gardeners! Their habit of digging for food helps aerate the soil, allowing oxygen and nutrients to penetrate deeper, which promotes healthier plant growth. Additionally, their digging can help expose a

10 Non Toy Gift Ideas for Kids

Point of View: You're only days away from that special holiday, birthday or special milestone of a child in your life and you are searching your brain for the perfect gift. 

Spoiler Alert: That perfect gift does not have to be a toy. Here are 10 non-toy gift ideas for that special little someone in your life.

1. A Subscription that is not toy based and there are are loads out there. It can be for a body care product, art supplies or snack on Amazon or Walmart. Or it could be for an educational app like Leap Frog , ABC Mouse or Osmo etc. 

2. A Monthly or Annual Membership at a place of learning like the Science Centre, Kumon or Coding Ninjas etc.

3. Cover the cost of a new extra curricular activity such as music lessons, dancing lessons, sports etc or gear/equipment that they need to participate in extra curricular activities. 

4. New Clothes and or Shoes. That saying 'they grow up so fast' is 100% Facts.

5. Annual Membership or Season Pass to a place of Fun! Think amusement parks, water parks, indoor playgrounds etc.

Zoo/Petting Farm that offers Membership

6. A movie day/night where you cover the cost of the ticket and the movie snacks. 

7. Tickets to a performing event or game.  Think musicals or big arena sports matches.

8. Contribute to their travel fund so they can catch flights not...whatever the young people say.

9. Contribute to their future education fund. If they don't have one start one on their behalf.

10. Buy them profitable Shares, GICs or Gold. Think some form of monetary investment in their future as opposed to giving the money for ice cream or the piggy bank.

Comment below if you have any other ideas for non toy gifts that we can give to our little ones. 💚


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