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Nature Study: Why Skunks Are Good For Gardens!

As parents, we often teach our children to avoid certain creatures in the garden, like skunks, due to their pungent odor and reputation for mischief. However, what if I told you that these striped critters are actually unsung heroes in the garden ecosystem?  In this blog, we'll explore why skunks are beneficial for your garden and why they deserve our appreciation. Skunks as Gardeners 1. Natural Pest Control Skunks have a voracious appetite for many garden pests that can wreak havoc on your plants. They are especially fond of insects like beetles, grubs, caterpillars, and even small rodents like mice and voles. By preying on these pests, skunks help keep their populations in check, reducing the need for harmful chemical pesticides. 2. Soil Aeration Believe it or not, skunks are great gardeners! Their habit of digging for food helps aerate the soil, allowing oxygen and nutrients to penetrate deeper, which promotes healthier plant growth. Additionally, their digging can help expose a

The ABCs of Teaching a Child To Read

Toddler Reading a book about snakes at the library.
“Reading should not be presented to children as a chore, a duty. It should be offered as a gift.” – Kate DiCamillo.

1. Accept help from others in your learning community. It does not have to be Mom or Dad reading aloud to younger ones it can be any member of the family who can read. (Historically, learning to read has always been a communal effort.) Next time you plan on visiting or sleeping over a family member's house, pack a few books or visit their home library for a group read aloud.

2. Borrow books, expertise and reading ideas from your local library. Attend a story time being read by a librarian or early childhood educator who knows how to read to littles. Pay attention to their animation and enunciation and copy a few tips and tricks to try out at home! Librarians also  know alot about books and appropriate books for people of all reading levels. So every now and again talk to a librarian and ask for book/reading ideas andp suggestions.

3. Create a 'print rich' environment at home. Label common areas and every day objects. Create a home library or several mini libraries around your home where books are attractively displayed and easily accessible to young readers. Most importantly, read everywhere! Not just in bed at bedtime, read books all around the house...inside and outside, in the car on the go. Read road signs and the charts in Doctor's offices. 

4. Develop a personal habit of reading books. Model the habit of taking up a book, magazine and newspaper and reading for pleasure and or enlightenment. 


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