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Nature Study: Why Skunks Are Good For Gardens!

As parents, we often teach our children to avoid certain creatures in the garden, like skunks, due to their pungent odor and reputation for mischief. However, what if I told you that these striped critters are actually unsung heroes in the garden ecosystem?  In this blog, we'll explore why skunks are beneficial for your garden and why they deserve our appreciation. Skunks as Gardeners 1. Natural Pest Control Skunks have a voracious appetite for many garden pests that can wreak havoc on your plants. They are especially fond of insects like beetles, grubs, caterpillars, and even small rodents like mice and voles. By preying on these pests, skunks help keep their populations in check, reducing the need for harmful chemical pesticides. 2. Soil Aeration Believe it or not, skunks are great gardeners! Their habit of digging for food helps aerate the soil, allowing oxygen and nutrients to penetrate deeper, which promotes healthier plant growth. Additionally, their digging can help expose a

10 Emotional Intelligence Children's Books from Around The World

What is emotional intelligence and why is it important for kids to learn at an early age? 

Emotional intelligence (EI) refers to the ability to recognize, understand, manage, and effectively use emotions in oneself and in relationships with others. It includes skills like empathy, self-awareness, self-regulation, and social awareness.

It's important for kids to learn emotional intelligence at an early age and what better way to do that than through children's natural love of storytelling. 

Here are a few children's books from around the world by authors of color, that teach emotional intelligence:

1. "Sulwe" by Lupita Nyong'o: This book tells the story of a young girl named Sulwe who learns to embrace her own unique beauty and self-worth. It teaches children about self-acceptance and the importance of valuing their own emotions and identity.

2. "Last Stop on Market Street" by Matt de la Peña: This award-winning book follows a young boy named CJ as he takes a bus ride with his grandmother. Along the way, CJ learns to appreciate the beauty in everyday life and develop a sense of empathy towards others.

3. "The Name Jar" by Yangsook Choi: This book explores themes of identity and self-acceptance through the story of a young Korean girl named Unhei who moves to America. As she grapples with fitting in and finding her place, Unhei learns the power of embracing her heritage and being true to herself.

4. "Saturday" by Oge Mora: This delightful book follows a mother and daughter's plan for a perfect Saturday together, only to face a series of disappointments. Through the story, children learn about resilience, adaptability, and the importance of finding joy in the little things.

5. "The Proudest Blue: A Story of Hijab and Family" by Ibtihaj Muhammad and S.K. Ali: This book explores the experiences of two Muslim sisters as one of them wears a hijab for the first time on her first day of school. It promotes empathy, respect, and understanding towards diverse cultures and experiences.

Lovely book that teaches about the power of just listening to others.

6. "The Rabbit Listened" by Cori Doerrfeld: This story emphasizes the importance of listening and empathy when someone is going through a difficult time.

7. "I Am Enough" by Grace Byers: Through powerful affirmations and beautiful illustrations, this book promotes self-love, self-acceptance, and embracing one's individuality. It encourages children to recognize their worth and value.

8. "Crown: An Ode to the Fresh Cut" by Derrick Barnes: This book follows a young African American boy on his visit to the barbershop. It celebrates self-confidence, self-care, and the transformative power of feeling good about oneself.

9. "Sofia Valdez, Future Prez" by Andrea Beaty: In this book, a young Latina girl named Sofia takes action to transform her community. It promotes leadership, compassion, and the importance of standing up for what is right.

10. "Drawn Together" by Minh Lê: This story follows a young boy and his grandfather who do not speak the same language but find a way to communicate through art. It emphasizes the power of connection, empathy, and shared experiences.

There are many more wonderful children's books out there that promote emotional intelligence and are written by authors all over the world. These books provide valuable lessons and perspectives for children to develop empathy, self-awareness, and understanding of themselves and others.

What are some of your favorite children books that teach empathy and emotional intelligence?

If you enjoyed this blog on emotional intelligence books for kids, also read this prdvious blog with other great books for teaching emotional intelligence


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